Preah Soramrit Kosamak Kirirom National Park is on Kirirom Mountain, in
Oamrei Phong village, Kirirom commune, Phnom Sruoch district, about 117
kilometers southwest of Phnom Penh. The mountain is 700 meters high. A
natural site, it once was Preah Kosamak town. This well conserved park,
abundant in fresh air, has waterfalls and is full of tall pine trees and
orchid flowers.
There are not many types of larger wildlife in
evidence on Kirirom, but it is an ideal spot to glimpse some of the
country's unique bird life and birdwatchers even come from overseas to
visit. The national park is more interesting during or just after the
rainy season, not that many fires on the ground and waterfalls having
well water.
Map to Kirirom Nataional Park
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